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How to Communicate by Actually Having a Conversation

Blog Contributor communication, Technology & Social Media 3 Comments

By Jared James I was thinking about our culture recently in this time of voicemails, emails, and social media, and it appears that everyone has a greater desire to communicate, but a lesser desire to actually have conversation.Believe it or not, communication and conversation are two completely different things. The actual definition of the word “communicate” is the activity of …

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Why You Must Have a Virtual Phone System

Blog Contributor Professional Development, Sales & Marketing, Technology & Social Media 15 Comments

By Jonathan Osman Eight months ago, I started investigating the idea of buying my own telephone system.  With my mobile number on every sign that I owned and in every ad, I received calls at all hours of the day and night, which got old fast.  The idea of simply turning off my ringer at night was not an option …