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Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? No…it’s Neither!

Blog Contributor Business Challenges, Personal Fulfillment, Professional Development, Sales & Marketing 3 Comments

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Dave Robison

Dave Robison

By Dave Robison

The crowd cheers, “Half-full, half-full!”  Buzzer rings…nope, the answer is neither.

Why are so many people saying the glass is half-full? There are people saying half-empty as well.  Those Debbie Downers (the half-empty glass people) might say something like this: “Ohhhh, the market, it’s awful. It’s killed our business.”  Those saying their glass is half-full might say something like this:  “At least I can feed my family and I’m still in the business.”

But the answer is still neither.

In the glass there are two components…the water that everyone readily sees and is anxious to claim as blessings in life.  And there’s a second part, which is the unseen part in that glass — oxygen.

We need both oxygen and water to live.   Everyone readily looks at the water as being blessings in their life.  The oxygen represents the trials.  We need blessings and trials in order to grow personally.   The person who will come out on top in today’s market is the person that yells out, “MY GLASS IS FULL.”  This person understands that today’s market brings them opportunity.  They also understand that, although painful at times, if they focus and work hard, they will grow stronger.  These people will welcome the challenge and focus on accomplishing something great.

The real estate community is changing in our local markets.  Top producers of yesterday are gone.  There is a breeding ground, ripe, waiting to harvest new leaders.  Before you realize what happened, those who yell, “MY GLASS IS FULL,” are going to be the leaders of tomorrow.

What is your glass?

Dave Robison, known as “Utah Dave,” is a broker of Robison & Company Real Estate.

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